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indicates a required answer

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see detailed descriptions of each camp.  Then fill out the form with your choices.  You will need to fill out a form for each child that enrolls.  Once you have entered your selections, scroll back down to the bottom of the page and click "submit."

1. *

Parent Name:

2. *

Parent Phone #

3. *

Parent email address:

4. *

Child's Name:

5. *

What is your child's age at the time of the camps?

6. *

Please enter any heath/medical information here that our intructors should know, including allergies.  If none, type "none" or "n/a".


Check the box(es) to indicate which camp your child will partipate in for June 10th-13th:

Traveling Around the World & Blast Off into Space 1st-4th 9am-12pm

Check the box(es) to indicate which camp your child will partipate in for June 17th-20th:

Traveling Around the World & Blast Off to Space 9am-12pm Crime Solving Camp 9:00am-9:55am 8th-12th
Cupcake Camp 10:00am-10:55am 5th-12th grade Biology Lab 11am-12pm 8th-12th
Science Field Study 9-9:55 3rd-8th States the Facts 10-10:55 3rd-8th
Sports Camp 11-11:55 3rd-8th


Our camp location is Powhatan Christian Fellowship 3308 Pleasants Road, Powhatan, VA.


James River Cobblestones

Summer Camps – June 2024


Traveling Around the World/3…2…1…Blast Off into Space – June 10-June 13 – Time: 9 am – 12 pm

9-10:30 Traveling Around the World – pt. 1

Instructor: Margaret Jackson   Grades: 1-4

Camp Description: Each day we will explore a new landmark around the world! Learning and creating models of each landmark, using different items. 

10:30-12:00 3..2..1..Blast Off Into Space pt. 1

Class Description: Each day we will learn about a different part of space. Exploring the moon, constellations, spaceships, rovers, moon buggies etc.

Tuition: $135.00 + $15.00 supply fee

Course Minimum: 4 Course Maximum: 10


Traveling Around the World/3…2…1…Blast Off Into Space – June 17-June 20 – Time: 9 am-12 pm

9-10:30 Traveling Around the World – pt. 2

Instructor: Margaret Jackson   Grades: 1-4

Camp Description: Each day we will explore a new landmark around the world! Learning and creating models of each landmark, using different items. 

10:30-12:00 3..2..1..Blast Off Into Space pt. 2

Class Description: Each day we will learn about a different part of space. Exploring the moon, constellations, spaceships, rovers, moon buggies etc.

Tuition: $135.00 + $15.00 supply fee

Course Minimum: 4 Course Maximum: 10


Math Games and Basic Facts – June 10-June 13 Time: 9:00-10:25 am

Instructor: Cindy Tyree      Grades: 4-6

This would be open to any student, rising grade 4-6, who needs practice with math facts and likes to play games.  We would alternately practice math facts in multiple ways and play games.  I have MANY math games.  Students would work on some of the activities left over from their current texts for the seatwork phase.  This includes a time for games outside.

Camp Fee: $75.00

Minimum: 6      Maximum: 10



Reading Recovery – June 10-June 13   Time: 10:30-12:00

Instructor: Cindy Tyree    Grades: 2-4

This is for students who need reading support.  Students will be given an informal reading inventory before the camp begins.  Once we find out their fluencies, instructional levels, and frustration levels, we will give recommendations for advancement in reading/writing during the rest of the summer.  All participants must have a library card.  We would recommend more than one card.  Families, led by parents, would need to sign a commitment to read alongside their children in this guided program and present their completed reading logs at the beginning of next fall term to receive completion grades.  Matthew 4: 4  

We will incorporate short Bible devotions designed especially for kids, readers' theatre, and two-person poem readings, along with our guided practices.  All activities and practices are designed to encourage motivation to read.


Activities designed to reinforce the targeted reading experiences will include badminton, cornhole, beach ball games, scavenger hunts, and the ultimate in water games (The water games must be earned and will occur on the last day!).  


Our aim of Christian education would be supported by this initiative to pray and work with our precious students in learning to read well!

Focus on the Family has a great acrostic for incorporating reading and daily devotions.   https://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/teaching-your-kids-to-read-the-bible/

Camp Fee: $75.00

Minimum: 4       Maximum: 6


Crime solving camp – June 10-June 13 (Pt I) Time: 9:00 am-9:55 am

Instructor: Jaime Ranck    Grades: 8-12

Description: Crime solving camp- students will be introduced to the field of forensic science while solving a crime.  This camp will be offered both weeks and a different crime will be investigated each week.  Students will make “murder boards” and use critical thinking skills to figure out who dunnit and why. 

Camp Fee: $80.00

Camp Minimum: 4     Camp Maximum: 10


Cookie camp - June 10-June 13   Time: 10:00 am – 10:55 am

Instructor: Jaime Ranck    Grades: 5-12

Description: Students will learn to bake 4 different types of simple cookies in the 4 days of camp.  4 days, 4 cookies. This process will provide practice with measurements/fractions, following directions, and kitchen safety….aaaannd  they’ll  have some cookies to take home each day as well! (Students should bring a plastic container for their cookies to go home in) 

Camp Fee: $80.00     Supply Fee: $10.00


High School Microbiology Lab – June 10-June 13 (Pt I) Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Instructor: Jaime Ranck    Grades: 9-12

Description: Students will work on high school microbiology (microscope, DNA extraction), etc. Microbiology lab-Students will perform labs and experiments relating to cell biology, DNA and genetic inheritance, photosynthesis, and osmosis.

Camp Fee: $100.00     Supply Fee: $15.00


Crime solving camp – June 17-June 20 (Pt 2) Time: 9:00 am-9:55 am

Instructor: Jaime Ranck    Grades: 8-12

Description: Crime solving camp- students will be introduced to the field of forensic science while solving a crime.  This camp will be offered both weeks and a different crime will be investigated each week.  Students will make “murder boards” and use critical thinking skills to figure out who dunnit and why. 

Camp Fee: $80.00

Camp Minimum: 4     Camp Maximum: 10


Cupcake Camp – June 17-June 20   Time: 10:00 – 10:55 am

Instructor: Jaime Ranck    Grades: 5-12

Description: Cupcake decorating camp- students will learn to make decorator icing and practice 4 decorating styles.

Camp Fee: $80.00     Supply Fee: $10.00


High School Macrobiology Lab – June 17-June 20 (Pt 2) Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Instructor: Jaime Ranck    Grades: 9-12

Description: Students will work on high school macrobiology dissections. Macrobiology lab- Students will perform labs including dissections, plant pollination, and comparative anatomy.

Camp Fee: $100.00     Supply Fee: $15.00


Plant Discovery – June 10-13 Time: 9 – 9:55

Instructor: Julie Roeger Grades: 3-8

Description: A closer look at plants.We will learn the different parts of plants,  what kinds are local, and how we classify them. We will keep an Observational journal as we learn about the plants around us.

Camp Fee: $100.00   Supply fee: $20 (for journal and drawing/coloring materials)


Mythologies Throughout the World -- June 1-13  Time: 10-10:55

Instructor: Julie Roeger Grades: 5-12

Description: mythologies throughout the world and time: Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, and possibly a little Chinese, Aztec, and Mayan. Let's have fun learning about them and their family trees. Also learn what they contributed to history and now.

Camp Fee: $100   Supply fee: $10 (for worksheets and supplies)


Painting: Stills and Nature -- June 10-13  Time: 11-12:00

Instructor: Julie Roeger Grades: 5-12

Description: We will paint stills and nature-drawing and painting a still piece of art and a nature piece of art.

Camp Fee: $150.00 (includes fees for materials)


Science Field Study – June 17-20 Time: 9 – 9:55

Instructor: Julie Roeger Grades: 3-8

Description: A closer look at plants and animals around us. What kinds are local and how do we classify them? We will keep an Observational journal as we learn about the world around us. We will take samples and learn how to do a field study of a specific area outside. We will look at all living things and their environments.

Camp Fee: $100.00       Supply Fee: $20 (for field notebook and drawing/coloring materials)


States the Facts – June 17-20 Time: 10 – 10:55

Instructor: Julie Roeger    Grades: 3-8

Description: Lets have fun learning facts about all the states. We will learn where they are on the map and what their capital is. We will also learn what they are known for and some fun facts about them.

Camp fee: $100       Supply fee: $10 (copies and coloring supplies)


Sports Camp - June 17-20   Time: 11-11:55

Instructor: Julie Roeger     Grades: 3-8

Description: We will have fun learning some skills from 3 main sports Monday through Wednesday. Then we will have a fun field day on Thursday that will include some of the skills we learned. The sports we will focus on are Soccer, Volleyball, and Basketball (these are also 3 of the sports that James River Eagles provides for homeschoolers to play). Please come dressed appropriately to be outside and have a water bottle. Tennis shoes required.

Camp fee: $100        Supply fee: $10 (copies for rules and other things)