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James River Cobblestone Classes


Where do classes meet?


Powhatan Christian Fellowship
3308 Pleasants Road
Powhatan, VA 23139



What qualifications do your instructors hold?


Our instructors come from a wide variety of backgrounds with numerous talents. They share a love for Christ and a commitment to teach Biblical principles in all subject areas. Most are either currently homeschooling or have adult children who were homeschooled.   Look for information about indivdual qualifications on the Class Instructors page. All adults who work directly with students have passed a background check. Please note that our instructors do not have specific training for teaching students with learning disabilities or certifications for administering medical care.


When are you in session?


Our fall session begins in September. Full courses will run September – May (3-week break in December & 1- week spring break). We may also offer additional fall and spring extracurricular classes. Class duration will be as noted on Cobblestones schedule. Class dates will be listed on the website calendar - please note holidays and/or teacher days.


How much does it cost to be a member?


There is a one time *non-refundable membership fee of $50 per FAMILY per year, payable online to the James River Home School Foundation (JRHSF). Online payment is required with this application.  In addition there is a required student registration fee of $30 per student for the first 3 students. There is no additional registration fee for 4 or more students. Registration usually begins in March and ends in September.

*Membership fees are non-refundable UNLESS:

  • the class you enrolled in is cancelled
  • you are denied membership for any reason




What do classes cost?


Class prices vary and are paid directly to the teachers and can be found under Class Descriptions. You can then click the class you're interested in to see all the class details.


How do I enroll and register for a class or classes with Cobblestones?


To enroll in any Cobblestone class(es) you must first request membership in our Cobblestones Community. Class registration can only take place after your membership to this group has been approved and family membership and student registration fees are paid. Once you are logged into the secure site as a member you can sign-up for classes.

Family Membership Fees: $50.00
Student Registration Fees: $30 (for first 3 students -  no additional fees for 4 or more students)

Once you are a member, simply go to the Class Registration tab, click on the class(es) you are interested in and you will be able to register any of your children from the drop down class menu. It's that easy! Remember, class sizes are limited, but there is a waiting list you can add your name to. Also, if additional classes are added you will be notified.  

Membership fees are non-refundable UNLESS:

  • the class you enrolled in is cancelled
  • you are denied membership for any reason



What are Cobblestones expectations for parent and students?


Parent Expectations

In order for us to function smoothly as an academy, we ask parents to:

1. Read all material given to them-printed and electronic,

2. Adhere to the policies and plans of action in place, so that our academy may function smoothly-between teachers, students and fellow members,

3. Parents are expected to notify the student’s teachers if they will be absent-by text or email, before classes begin,

4. Parents are ultimately responsible for the academic success of their child,

5. Parents must purchase all textbooks, supplies, etc. that their child will need for class,

6. Ensure that homework assignments are being completed-in a timely manner,

7. Pay all fees, tuition, supply fees, etc.,

8. Have your child in class on time-no sooner than 10 minutes before class, and you must pick up your child on time.

9. If your child has a behavior issue-or a learning struggle, etc. and you receive a letter, call or email from the teacher, you must reply promptly. Failure to respond may result in your child not attending class until resolved.

Student Expectations

James River Cobblestones expects students to:

1. Treat adults and fellow students with courtesy and respect-at all times. Students are expected to listen and obey their teachers, and not disrupt class. If a student repeatedly disrupts or disrespects the teacher, they may be suspended.

2. Respect property of the church facilities-inside and out.

3. Students must come to class on time, be prepared to learn and participate, and complete any assigned work by the teachers. No cheating or plagiarism allowed.

4. Students must be dressed modestly (see Dress Code).

5. Please do not allow your children to bring toys, IPads, laptops (except those that are required for class), games systems, cell phones, etc. that would distract during class times. If your child carries a cell phone, they must be kept in a purse/backpack or pocket on vibrate-no texting, or phone usage during class times!  If a cell phone is used or taken out during class, the teacher will take the phone and it will be returned after classes are over.

6. There shall be no hitting, wrestling, shoving, teasing, criticizing, name calling, bullying, etc. We expect children to be courteous and respectful. This is covered in detail in our “Discipline Policy”.

7. No public displays of affection on church property, including parking lot.

8. No alcohol, drugs or weapons of any kind are allowed on property, including the parking lot.

9. No cursing, vulgar actions or talk allowed.

10. No one is permitted to hang out in foyer, hallways, or parking lot during class time. All students must be in a classroom or study hall.

11. If a disciplinary problem arises, guidelines from the Code of Discipline will be followed.


Please refer to Cobblestones Parent & Student Handbook for additional information.


What about bad weather, snow, holidays, and breaks?


Weather Policy: In the event of inclement weather (snow, ice, hurricane), we will make a decision and an announcement of cancellation will be put on our website before 8 A.M. We also plan to have closings listed on WRIC 8 and WTVR6 Community Closings website. Since we have teachers/students coming from several counties, we feel we should make decisions based on weather in the western/rural areas, not just in the local Richmond area.

Holidays: JRHSF’s Cobblestones will have a Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring (Easter) break, as noted on our calendar.




What is the dress code?


Dress Code - We expect all students to come to class dressed modestly and we enforce the following guidelines:

1. Shorts and Skirts – must not be any shorter than one hand length above the knee.

2. Shirts/Tops-No spaghetti straps, halter tops, muscle shirts, no tight fitting, see through or midriff shirts allowed. There should be no cleavage showing and no under garments should be showing.

3. Pants are to be worn in a modest manner. No underwear, bare tummy or bottoms should be visible.

4. T-shirts – no graphics or words that are vulgar, no anti-God or anti-Christian graphics or words, and no wording or graphics depicting alcohol, drugs or sex.

5. Jewelry-no jewelry may be worn that is anti-God or vulgar.

See the Cobblestones Handbook for detailed information about the dress code.


What if I don't see my specific question answered here?


Please refer to Cobblestones Parent & Student Handbook for additional information including policy guidelines and regulations. 

Lending Library & Resources


What does it cost to participate in the Lending Library and Resource Center?


Membership in the Lending Library and Resource Center (LLRC) is included with the Cobblestones Registration. If you are not a Cobblestones member the LLRC fee is only $10 annually.

James River Eagles Athletics


What sports do the Eagles offer?


In addition to academics the other "wing" of the James River Home School Foundation, the James River Eagles offer the following Interscholastic Sports programs for Middle & High School Students:

  • Fall Sports  - Boys Soccer, Boy's Volleyball, Girls Volleyball, & Cross Country for Boys & Girls - official practices begin in July 

  • Winter Sports - Girls & Boys Basketball - Pre-season skill development - official practice begins in November and the official season runs through March

  • Spring Sports - Girls Soccer  - official practice begins in March

If you would like more information about a particular sport or sports, or our athletics program in general visit our website at jamesrivereagles.org or contact our Athletic Director and Coach, Rich Mills at [email protected].